Teacher certification can be interpreted as an acknowledgment that the person already has the competence to carry out the ministry of education in a particular educational unit, after passing the competency test conducted by the certification body. In other words, teacher certification is a competency test process that is designed to reveal a person's mastery of competencies as the basis for certification of educators (Law No.. 14th in 2005 in the Ministry of Education, 2004)Sources: Syafarudin, the effectiveness of educational policy, (Jakarta: PT Rineka Copyright, 2008) page 33-3.
Referring to the provisions of Article 42 paragraph (1) National Education Law, requires that teachers and lecturers are required to have the certification authority in accordance with the level of teaching, physical and spiritual health, as well as having the ability to achieve national education goals. The term of certification in the dictionary means a certificate (certificate) from the competent authority given to the type of profession and also the statement (license) for the feasibility of the profession to implement tugas.Sedangkan in article 1, paragraph (7) explained that teacher certification is a certification process for teacher educators . The legal basis of the need for teacher certification stated in Article 8 of Law No. 14 Year 2004 on teachers and lecturers, that teachers should have the academic qualifications, competency, education certificates, physical and spiritual health, as well as having the ability to realize educational goals nasional.Sedangkan we see in Article 1, paragraph (12), that is evidence of formal education certificate in recognition given to teachers as professionals. Whereas in Article 11 paragraph (2), states sertifika tpendidikan can only be obtained through a certification program. Specifically educator certificate is a formal proof of the fulfillment of two conditions, namely the minimum academic qualification with a minimum competence mastery as a teacher. Thus it can be concluded that the educator certificate is a certificate awarded a procurement agency accredited educational staff as a formal proof of the feasibility of the teaching profession, which is to meet the minimum educational qualification as learning agent.
Referring to the provisions of Article 42 paragraph (1) National Education Law, requires that teachers and lecturers are required to have the certification authority in accordance with the level of teaching, physical and spiritual health, as well as having the ability to achieve national education goals. The term of certification in the dictionary means a certificate (certificate) from the competent authority given to the type of profession and also the statement (license) for the feasibility of the profession to implement tugas.Sedangkan in article 1, paragraph (7) explained that teacher certification is a certification process for teacher educators . The legal basis of the need for teacher certification stated in Article 8 of Law No. 14 Year 2004 on teachers and lecturers, that teachers should have the academic qualifications, competency, education certificates, physical and spiritual health, as well as having the ability to realize educational goals nasional.Sedangkan we see in Article 1, paragraph (12), that is evidence of formal education certificate in recognition given to teachers as professionals. Whereas in Article 11 paragraph (2), states sertifika tpendidikan can only be obtained through a certification program. Specifically educator certificate is a formal proof of the fulfillment of two conditions, namely the minimum academic qualification with a minimum competence mastery as a teacher. Thus it can be concluded that the educator certificate is a certificate awarded a procurement agency accredited educational staff as a formal proof of the feasibility of the teaching profession, which is to meet the minimum educational qualification as learning agent.
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